Friday, 21 July 2017

APC interview series "The Big 10" debuts with top Twintelle player CatFight!

The name CatFight has recently become synonymous with highly skilled ARMS play and his Twintelle has shown herself to be a force to be reckoned with on numerous occasions. 

CatFight was kind enough to take some time out from his busy schedule to kick off our new interview series "The Big 10"! You can find the interview after the page break:

Question 1:

APC: "Please tell us a little about yourself?"

CF: "Meow. I'm Wesley Garland, better known as Cat Fight, and I'm a competitive fighting game player located within the Tri-state region."

Question 2:

APC: "When would you say you fell in love with competitive fighting games/eSports?"

CF: "I was super young when I was introduced to my first fighting game in the arcade, around 10 years old, and just been in love ever since. I started really competing when Super Smash Bros. Melee came out, so that was a long time ago for me."

Question 3:

APC: "What gaming achievement are you most proud of in your career so far?"

CF: "I'm really proud of all my major tournament wins, I can't just pick one! There was a lot of little victories along the road like defeating tournament demons of mine, having a positive record against Japan in Pokkén, but the trophies mean the most. My most recent achievement being the Nintendo NYC ARMS Champion! So I'll go with that one."

Question 4:

APC: "What was it about ARMS that made you decide to take it seriously on a competitive level?"

CF: "To be honest, I never intended to take ARMS seriously. I have an obsession with picking up nearly any Nintendo game that has online ranked PVP. It just so happens I had a reason to grab a Switch early in anticipation for Pokkén DX, so I ended up scooping ARMS in the meantime. I'm just having a lot of fun with it so far! To be competitive is in my nature, so I suppose it was inevitable."

Question 5:

APC: "What made you pick your main over the other characters in the game?"

CF: "I always wanted to bleach my hair pure white, so I love that aspect of Twintelle's design. She also has tan skin, like me, and I wasn't the biggest fan of the other character designs up until her reveal. I thought to myself "this character has too many bright colors" or "this character doesn't resonate with me at all". I couldn't play Twintelle if I didn't enjoy her design. It was almost a purely aesthetic decision that turned out pretty good for me lol."

Question 6:

APC: "What is your favourite arm loadout & stage. (Please explain why)"

CF: "I think my most used has to be Parasol and Thunderbird. I'm not sure it's my favorite just yet, but it's definitely my most effective. As far as customs go, I tend to switch out the Chilla for Ramram and that gives me better meaty wake-up pressure since it has a wider hitbox.

I think Parasol and Thunderbird are both very good alone, and they work even better in conjunction with each other. Parasol acts as my shield, parrying incoming attacks, and gives me the opportunity to counter-attack my opponent at angles where he is vulnerable with Thunderbird. When Thunderbird is charged, this leads to even more damage due to the Stun.

My favorite stage I think is Buster Beach because it has a lot of walls and tight corners. It makes it really hard for my opponent to get away from me and allows for me to create a ton of pressure that's hard to escape. Not to mention, I love the beach. Win-win!"

Question 7:

APC: "Thoughts on custom vs standard arms for tournaments."

CF: "I'm enjoying the offline default only tournaments, for now, that's all I have to say! I will play either, though."

Question 8:

APC: "What advice would you give to someone just getting into the game?"

CF: "Depending on if you want to enjoy the game casually or at a competitive game, make sure you are able to have fun with it first. Don't pressure yourself to become the best or convince yourself that you have to beat a certain opponent or else you won't go anywhere. The game is still very new and DLC is planned to roll out every month! I know people who are already tired of not seeing progress and it's only month 2.

Sometimes the best part of getting into a game is the community interaction, so get to know other community members and create relationships with those people. This helps establish a friendly environment that isn't so focused on beating each other or constantly bragging about who they beat online in order to get attention."

Question 9:

APC: "What are your hopes for the future of ARMS?"

CF: "My hopes are that I'm able to continue enjoying the game at any level, and with the DLC coming I know I'll have a lot more reasons to keep up with the game.

Also, ARMS was just announced for EVO Japan 2018, so I can't say I'm dissatisfied with the attention it's getting so far. I hope for the community's sake it continues in this direction!"

Question 10:

APC: "Where can people find out more about you?"

CF: "You can hit me up on twitter @BlackCatFight, that's where I'm most active. You can also chat with me on Discord in the competitive ARMS server!" (link)

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