Thursday, 19 October 2017

The Big 10 #11 - Gasouvay (Lola Pop)

One of the things we are most proud of at the APC are the little side communities that have developed around ARMS, and one of the most surprisingly active communities is our fanart Discord channel.

Now, most of you will likely know Gasouvay (Twitter: @Gasouvay) from his appearances in tournaments, crew battles and infamously on the JP ranking list. But what you may not know is that Gasouvay is actually one of the cornerstones of the APC fanart Discord and has been making a name for himself with his cool & quirky illustrations (one of which you can see above).

We were really pleased to be able to get hold of Gasouvay for this week's TB10 which you can find after the page break!

Question 1

APC: Please tell us a little about yourself?

G: I’m Gasouvay, I’m 15 years old and I’m a french ARMS player. When I watched the switch presentation in January, I was curious about ARMS, I would probably get it later in the year, but as more and more info was published, the game’s style and gameplay really charmed me. The ARMS direct completely sold me on the game, and I picked it up day 1. At first, I was a Kid Cobra main, but seeing him everywhere just disgusted me and I lost my love for him, so I flipped back to MinMin, which I played during the test-punch. So far I was playing the game casually, and somehow when I reached rank 10, just seeing a number with 2 decimals motivated me, so I started to watch every ARMS video possible, then I fell on 101Leafy’s discord, which then redirected me to the ARMS Central discord, and that’s how it all started.

Question 2

APC: When would you say you fell in love with competitive fighting games/eSports?

G: ARMS was the first competitive game I really got into, I had smash for 3ds before, but man that circle pad was so hard to manipulate quickly, and smash is a really intimidating game to get into. ARMS didn’t require me too much learning, I just earned the basics by myself with a LOT of play-time (I have 340 hours on ARMS as of right now). I just fell in love with the ARMS community, it’s so small it feels like a family, we all know each other and you can reach to a top player super easily and ask him for some tips and a few sets!

Question 3

APC: What gaming achievement are you most proud of in your career so far?

G: I’m not really sure of that, but I’m most proud of my tournament placements, I’ve reached grand finals in almost every tournament I’ve done, but I only won two T_T Getting 2nd place in all my tournaments except 3 of them is kinda good IMO, and I’m really happy to have a consistently high placement in tournies.

Question 4

APC: What was it about ARMS that made you decide to take it seriously on a competitive level?

G: I was pumped for ARMS’ gameplay and mechanics and the way it handles matchups, but like I said, what pushed me into competitive play was seeing my rank have 2 decimals in it, yeah it’s a pretty stupid reason lol.

Question 5

APC: What made you pick your main over the other characters in the game?

G: At first, my favourite design was without a doubt Byte & Barq, but when it came to playing him, I was shocked by how complex he is, so I used Minmin. Then when I reached the higher ranks, I started to play BnB again and I started utilizing Barq correctly. Then came this day of August when ver.3 trailer dropped. I was charmed, Lola Pop was without a doubt my new main. I completely left BnB (though I still use him in certain matchups) for Lola as my main and Minmin as my secondary. Lola’s aerial playstyle and awesome mobility just mesmerized me!

Question 6

APC: What is your favourite arm loadout & stage. (Please explain why)

G: For Minmin, I run a pretty classic loadout with Tbird or Cracker/Tribolt on the left and roaster on the right. I sometimes run double roasters though. For Lola, I run Funchuck on the right and Biffler or Sparky on the right. I run double sparkies against super armoured characters, stun just doesn’t do it. As for my favourite stage, it’s probably either mausoleum or Sparring ring (most likely Sparring ring). Both stages are pretty neutral and the trampoline in Mausoleum is honestly not that bad to me. 

Question 7

APC: Thoughts on custom vs standard arms for tournaments.

G: I’m pretty neutral on this question, I understand why people run defaults tournies at locals, it’s way easier to get into and having a ton of all ARMS saves is a pain. But as for online tournies, I still don’t understand defaults. But even Nintendo is vague on this question, they keep promoting the game on the customisation yet almost every single one of their tournaments is defaults only, they only hosted 1 customs local tournament, and the question of save data isn’t valid since we know they can copy data from 1 switch to another.

Question 8

APC: What advice would you give to someone just getting into the game?

G: Practise, practise, practise, play a ton of ranked in your early hours, stay mobile but don’t abuse dashing, walking can make your opponent confused. Try out ARM combinations until you find one that fits you and also, play as every character to find your main.

Question 9

APC: What are your hopes for the future of ARMS?

G: My biggest demand to Nintendo right now is to fix their online. The current ARMS online is terrible, some inputs don’t get sent and the lag isn’t even proportional to the distance (I can run decent games with American players yet my games with Raffa, a German player, are horrible and laggy). But in regards to the content, it’s looking pretty good: 3.1 didn’t only bring balance updates and came SUPER fast compared to 2.1, and now, just a bit over one week after 3.1, 3.2 is already announced and is bringing a TON of content :D

Question 10

APC: Where can people find out more about you?

G: I have a twitter account: @gasouvay (I tweet mostly about ARMS, but sometimes I’ll tweet in French). Of course, I’m on discord too (just search for Gasouvay) & feel free to PM me :D

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